Using black liquor of paper pulp plant as catalyst, the steam gasification of high metamorphosed anthracites was investigated by isothermal thermo-gravimetric analysis under ambient pressure. 以纸浆黑液为催化剂,用热天平的等温法研究高变质无烟煤常压纯水蒸气催化气化反应。
The melted rock often contains steam and other gases under great pressure. 在巨大的压力之下,岩浆通常含有蒸气和其他气体。
Vapors steam upward from the earth. ( of water) rising to the surface under internal hydrostatic pressure. 水汽从地面上升起。(指水)在内部的水压下喷出地面。
E.Energy source – Any source of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal, steam, spring, gravity, water under pressure, fluids and gases or other energy. 能源&任何电气、机械、液压、气动、化学、热敏、蒸汽、弹簧、重力、受压水、液体、气体或其他能源。
Drying out the steam under controlled degrees of heat and pressure is important. 通过控制热量和压力使蒸汽干透是重要的。
Three-dimensional flow characteristics of the control valve for steam turbine under the different pressure ratio and relative lift were investigated by numerical simulation with the design data provided by a manufacturer. 依据厂方提供的设计数据,在不同升程、不同压比条件下对汽轮机调节阀三维流场特性进行了数值模拟。
The two-phase flow process of we steam spontaneous condensation is described with the numerical model under absolute Euler coordinate system. The numerical simulation and analysis were applied for 3 D complex spontaneous condensing flow inside the static cascade in low pressure stage of a turbine. 采用完全欧拉坐标系下的数值模型描述湿蒸汽两相自发凝结流动过程,对某汽轮机低压部分三维静叶栅中内复杂的自发凝结流动进行了模拟和分析。
With the developments of modern steam turbines, which work under conditions of high pressure and elevated-temperature, especially atomic power stations are designed and made, the reliability and safety are strict with the stucture. 随着汽轮机向高温、高压和大容量化发展,特别是原子能电站的设计和制造,对结构的可靠性提出更高的要求。
Strength Check of a Steam Line Under High Temperature and High Pressure and Stress Analysis of an Eccentric Reducer 高温高压蒸汽管线的强度校核及异径管的三维有限元应力分析
Using two methods of steam distillation under reduced pressure ( SDRP) and simultaneous distillation and extraction ( SDE), the aroma concentrates from Oolong tea were prepared, respectively, and then were objected to GC-MS analysis. 采用减压水蒸汽蒸馏法(SDRP)和常压水蒸汽蒸馏并同时萃取法(SDE)提取乌龙茶中的香气成分,并用GC-MS进行分析比较。
Leaking reasons for steam manifold valve and the plugging under pressure 汽包阀门泄漏原因及带压堵漏
In the actual application, sequential response value of steam quality is measured under steam injection well with high temperature and high pressure. 在初步的实际应用中,得到了注汽油井井下高温高压蒸汽干度变化的连续响应值。
The concept of optimal initial steam pressure is put forward under thorough research on this question in this article. Furthermore, the mathematical model is built for selecting the optimal initial pressure of the coal-fired power unit, with the method of systemic analysis for the first time. 该文在就此问题进行深入研究的基础上,提出了最优运行初压的概念,并利用系统分析方法,建立了在线确定单元机组最优运行初压的数学模型。
Design of Steam Injection Pipe Set for Producing Deep Heavy Oil under Over Critical Pressure 深层稠油超临界压力注汽管柱设计
Attempting to get possibility for making town gas in the single-stage reactor from De-Tong coal, it and its coke have been undergone steam catalytic gasification under the pressure of 0.1 4.0 MPa and the temperature of 700 900 ℃, in which Na_2CO_3 was used as a catalyst. 为了达到在单段反应器内用大同煤制造城市煤气的可能性,利用这种煤及其煤焦在压力0.14.0MPa和反应温度700900℃下通过Na2CO3作催化剂进行了蒸汽催化气化研究。
This paper mainly discusses test flowsheet. experimental and calculation methods of two phases relative permeability of hot water-oil, steam-oil by hot water and steam drive under the simulated reservoir with high temperature and high pressure. 主要阐述了模拟在高温高压地层条件下,热水驱和蒸汽驱的热水油、蒸汽油的两相相对渗透率的测试流程、试验和计算方法。
In the starting phase of any set, after an overhaul ( or repair), foreign solids, entrained by the circulating water and steam, are being scattered throughout the system and get dissolved under certain temperature, pressure and pH value conditions. 在机组大修(或小修)后启动阶段,固体颗粒会随着水汽的循环分散于系统中,在一定的温度、压力和pH值条件下成为溶解杂质。
Using the Masson Pine as specimen, when the medium were super_heated steam and air respectively, the preheating characteristics of wood in wood drying under vacuum-floating pressure were discussed by the measurement of the internal temperature field and the variation of moisture during the stage of preheating. 以马尾松为试验材料,首先分别以过热蒸汽和空气作为干燥介质,在预热阶段通过对木材内部温度场和含水率变化的测定,探讨了木材真空-浮压干燥预热阶段的特性;
The paper analyses the leaking reasons for the newly installed valves of the new HP steam drum, and describes the measures to plug the leak under pressure. 分析新高压汽包一批新安装阀门泄漏原因,并详细介绍带压堵漏所采取的措施。
It can be sterilized by steam under high pressure. 可用高压蒸汽灭菌处理。
Exhaust hood is a device that transfer exhaust steam flow from final turbine stage into condenser which is under the low pressure exhaust hood. This device transforms the kinetic energy into pressure potential energy by diffuser. 排汽缸是实现汽轮机排汽汽流折转流入凝汽器的一个部件,采用扩压的形状,可以将排汽动能转化为压力势能。